Instant Food

Instant food has become as important part of our lives. Some of us consume it almost everyday. This is an analysis of the good effects (advantages) and the bad effects (disadvantages) of instant food. Is instant food healthy and useful, or will it unhealthy and will slowly lead to death?

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Instant food has become as important part of our lives. Some of us consume it almost everyday. This is an analysis of the good effects (advantages) and the bad effects (disadvantages) of instant food. Is instant food healthy and useful, or will it unhealthy and will slowly lead to death?

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What is instant food?

Instant food is pre-cooked frozen or chilled food that comes in a package. They are very popular in today's fast-paced society because they,

Take little time to prepare
Fulfill your hunger without much effort


Most instant foods just need to be heated in a microwave oven in order to be consumed. Instant food packages usually contain meat, some vegetables and even a dessert. Rice is also sometimes seen in Instant Foods. They are usually contained in a sealed aluminium tray so that they can be heated in a microwave.
What are the different types of instant foods?

There are many types of instant foods. Some instant foods require to be heated before they are consumed. Water is added to some instant foods before consuming. Some instant foods do not need any modification, and can be consumed as they are. The different types of instant foods can be seen below.

Instant Solution

In today's fast paced society, it is important to most people that they spend as less time as possible and accomplish as much as possible. This is essential to get ahead, and not be trailing behind. This is why instant food is so popular among people. It takes very little time to prepare. In the olden times, preparing food used to take a long time, but now, thanks to instant food, this can be done in a couple of minutes.

Imagine it is early in the morning and you are late for school, work etc. In olden days, this would mean you having to skip breakfast, but now, preparation of food takes little time. You can start the day with a filling breakfast and still be on time.

This is why instant food has become the instant solution in our society.

Why instant foods are so popular

Instant foods can be stored for a long period of time, much longer than fresh food.
Takes little time to prepare.
Requires no knowledge on cooking.
Avoids the risk of over cooking and under cooking.
Available almost everywhere in the world.
Research. to modify instant foods to become healthy is being done.

Slow Death?

Slow death is the long term harm that consuming excess of unhealthy food causes to the human body. Over time, this may even lead to serious diseases and even death. This is why it is never good to eat instant food consistently no matter how busy you are.
How is Slow Death caused?

Since most instant foods are frozen or chilled, most of the taste is degraded. To overcome this, manufacturers tend to add extra salt and fats to retain the taste. This is very harmful to the human body.
The fats in instant foods can severely affect the heart. This is among the top reasons for heart disease.
Preservatives are added to instant foods to prevent them from getting spoilt. These preservatives taken in over a long period of time regularly is toxic to the body. and may harm the kidneys and the liver.
Instant Foods are less nutritious than fresh foods.
Taking instant food on regular basis means that you will not get your body's requirement of nutrients. This may lead to poor body growth and poor immunity to diseases.

Making instant Foods Healthy

Recently, many manufacturers and retailers have started to create instant meals which are low on salt and fats in order to make the meals more healthy. Most instant foods are labeled with the amount of salts, fats etc. and the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance). It is important to read these before consuming. There are also attempts to produce healthy instant foods naturally, which are equally nutritious as the fresh versions.

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