Quick and Easy Recipe of Spicy Tomato and Green Peas Soup

Quick and Easy Recipe of Spicy Tomato and Green Peas Soup

A quick and easy healthy recipe of spicy tomato soup with green peas is all need for perfect evening. Nothing can be compared to the bliss of having a big bowl of hot and spicy tomato soup with green peas, healthy, tasty and savoury treat for any beautiful evening.

I personally love tomato soup because of the tangy taste and wholesome goodness of tomatoes. I usually make tomato soup in winter because that’s the time when I can experiment with most of crunchy and fresh vegetables. I sometimes add carrots in my tomatoes soup and at times I just make the simplest way. It just depends on my mood and available ingredients but usually my Indian taste buds crave for spiciness and I always opt for something more Indian version of soups instead of the regular traditional recipes of soup. Even my sister loves to have them, though she does not like spice much.

           Normally I use red ripe sweet tomatoes for making tomato soup but I go for lesser sweet tomatoes when I want more sourness in my tomato soup. You can also add some pureed carrots to the soup to reduce the sourness, adding carrots will not only reduce the sourness but also increase the nutritional value of soup.

Tomatoes are known for their immense antioxidant content and tomatoes are also a tremendous source of lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and biotin. Tomatoes are low in calories and guess what! Tomatoes are fruit. Additions of any fresh vegetable in tomato soup make it more healthy and tasty too. I don’t recommend those ready to cook tomatoes soups available in the market, get some fresh tomatoes and make fresh and real healthy tomato soup.

             This is a spicy version of tomato and peas soup, so you are going to need a few ingredients, not many spices but make list of all ingredients just to make sure you don’t forget any. Gather everything you need at one place so you don’t have to rush to get things from selves and fridge when you start the cooking procedure.



This will make for 4 servings.

Large sweet ripe tomatoes – 5,

Finely chopped onion – 1,

Crushed garlic cloves – 4,

Ghee/butter – 2 tablespoon,

Fresh green peas – 1 & a half cup,

Roasted cumin seed powder – 4 teaspoon,

Sugar – 1 tablespoon,

Water – 2 cups or as per desired thickness of tomato soup,

Milk cream or coconut cream – 1 cup (optional),

Black pepper – 4 teaspoon,

Handful of fresh chopped coriander leaves (for garnishing),

Milk cream/coconut cream for garnishing (optional),

Salt to taste,



1. Firstly wash and cut the tomatoes. Puree tomatoes using a food processor or grinder and keep aside. (If you want to peel the tomatoes before making puree, simmer the tomatoes till they get tender then tomato skin can be easily peeled of).

2. Now heat ghee or oil in a pan then sauté finley chopped onions and crush garlic till onion turns pink and get cooked properly.

3. Add fresh green peas in the pan and add half cup of water to cook the peas.

4. Once peas get tender, add tomato puree in the pan and bring it to boil.

5. Check the consistency of soup once tomato starts to boil. Add some water if the consistency it thick.

  6. Now add sugar, roasted cumin seed powder, black pepper and salt, mix well then add milk cream or coconut cream if you desire. Taste and adjust the slat sugar and spices.

7. Transfer the soup in serving bowl and garnish with fresh coriander leaves and cream. Serve hot with crispy croutons or soup sticks, or toasted bread.


Tips for making vegan recipe of spicy tomato and green peas soup:

1. Use any vegetable cooking oil or peanut oil instead of butter or ghee.

2. Use coconut cream or make smooth creamy almond paste by grinding soaked and peeled almonds for soup instead of regular milk cream.



1. If sweet ripe tomatoes are not available you can add carrot puree to reduce the sourness of regular orangey tomatoes. Boil peeled carrots and make puree then add it to the tomato puree or directly in the soup and give it a boil.

2. Skip the cream if you are on diet.

3. Addition of cream makes the soup richer and heavier, if you want to have light and low fat soup then do not add cream.

4. You can use corn starch to adjust the thickness of soup if you have mistakenly added more water than required. Some tomatoes are juicier than the other so adjust the water quantity according the thickness you like.

5. If you like sour tomato soup then skip adding sugar and cream.

6. Use your instincts and experiment with the basic tomato soup recipe by adding different types of vegetables and spices.

7. If you are a cheese lover, use grated cheese to garnish the tomato soup instead of cream and coriander leaves.

8. Add some red chilli powder if you want your soup to be more spicy.

                            I hope this version of spicy tomato soup tempted you to try after reading this article. Please share this recipe of spicy tomato and peas soup also with your friends and family if you liked it and do leave your suggestions and thoughts in the comments sections below.




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